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- No part of this website is intended to constitute advice and the content of this website should not be relied upon when making any decisions or taking any action of any kind.
Reviews and user content disclaimer
- 4theUK Ltd makes no warranty or representation that this website will meet your requirements, that it will be of satisfactory quality, that it will be fit for a particular purpose, that it will not infringe the rights of third parties, that it will be compatible with all computer systems, that it will be secure and that all information provided will be accurate. We make no guarantee of any specific results from the use of this website.
- 4theUK Ltd is not responsible for any material created or submitted by users of this website. No material created by users is endorsed or otherwise supported by 4theUK Ltd. 4theUK Ltd assumes no responsibility for any offence, loss or other harm resulting from material created or submitted by users.
- No part of this website is intended to constitute advice and the content of this website should not be relied upon when making any decisions or taking any action of any kind.
- The information on this website is not designed with commercial purposes in mind. Commercial use of the content of this website is prohibited under the terms of use. Any such use constitutes a breach of the terms of use and 4theUk Ltd makes no representation or warranty that the content of this website is suitable for use in commercial situations or that it constitutes accurate data and / or advice on which business decisions can be based.
- Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that all descriptions of services available from 4theUK Ltd correspond to the actual services available, 4theUK Ltd is not responsible for any variations from these descriptions.
Earnings Disclaimer
- 4theUK Ltd makes no warranty or representation that this website or the service(s) provided thereby will meet your requirements, that they will be of satisfactory quality, that they will be fit for a particular purpose, that they will not infringe the rights of third parties, that they will be compatible with all computer systems, or that they will be secure.
- Whilst every reasonable endeavour has been made to ensure that all information provided on this website will be accurate and up to date, 4theUK Ltd makes no warranty or representation that this is the case.
- 4theUK Ltd gives no guarantee of any specific results from the use of this website or the service(s) provided thereby. 4theUK Ltd neither warrants, represents nor implies that you will derive any benefit, financial or otherwise, from your use of this website or the service(s) provided thereby.
- Results derived from the use of this website or the service(s) provided thereby will vary from one user to another and will depend upon a user’s own input, efforts, circumstances, knowledge and experience.
- No guarantee is given of successful results from the use of this website or the service(s) provided thereby. This website and the service(s) provided thereby merely provide the possibility that users may experience some benefit if the information and facilities provided are applied correctly.
- No part of this website is intended to constitute advice and the content of this website should not be relied upon when making any decisions or taking any action of any kind.
- Commercial use of the information on this website is permitted, however 4theUK Ltd makes no representation or warranty that the content of this website is suitable for use in commercial situations or that it constitutes accurate data and / or advice on which business decisions can be based.
- Whilst every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that any and all descriptions of services available from 4theUK Ltd correspond to the actual services available, 4theUK Ltd is not responsible for any variations from these descriptions.