Marketing Planning
With over 25 year’s experience of marketing for large bluechip organisations such as:
- Direct Line
- Churchill
- Prudential
- Sun Alliance
- Royal Bank of Scotland
We are well placed to be able to help you with your marketing planning either offline or online.
Our experience includes:
- Direct Marketing
- Customer Insight
- Business to business partnership marketing
- Database marketing
- Marketing planning and research
We provide support for marketing strategy and planning. We are not a creative agency not media buyers. This means that the strategy and planning we offer will be media agnostic and based on what we believe is best for your business. This is important so you can be confident that plans and strategy are based around your business and not what media options that have to be sold or yield the highest commission.
Planning is key
A strong business plan and marketing strategy are key for new businesses as well as existing businesses. Understanding the strengths of your businesses as well as identifying risks and threats mean you are better able to deal with the changing world.
Our experience as well as being a fresh pair of eyes on your business can really help develop a winning strategy.